
2008-01-04 2:17 am
最功不可沒的當然是我們的leader: sam , sarah. 得到她們的領導, 我們才能通力合作.對我而言, 我們的活動絕對是成功的, 在短短的數小時裡, 透過那些圖片展覽, 攤位遊戲及抽獎等, 帶起了整個場地的氣氛, 看到那些同學踴躍的参加, 彷彿大家都回到孩童年代. 總括而言, 因為我從未試過舉辦活動, 這真是一次難忘的經歷. 這些經驗不是從書本上可學習得到的, 一定要經周詳的計畫和充足的準備才能付諸實行. 而最令我難忘的就是宣傳單上的宣傳句子, 真是很押韻!

回答 (2)

2008-01-04 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Perform feats most of certainly is our leaders: sam , sarah. Get their leaderships, we can make a concerted effort.To me, our activities are absolutely successful, in very short few hours in, through those picture exhibitions, booth game and draw prizes etc., started to bring the whole atmosphere of place, see those classmates eager?Add, seem to everyones to return to kid's age. In short, because I have never tried to hold an activity, this is really an unforgettable career. These experience doesn't can learn to get from the book of, must can carry into effect with ample preparation through the detailed and complete project. And make most I unforgettable is publicizee a list up of publicity sentence, is really rhyme very much!

2008-01-03 21:17:36 補充:
2008-01-04 2:53 am
最功不可沒的當然是我們的leader: sam , sarah. 得到她們的領導, 我們才能通力合作.對我而言, 我們的活動絕對是成功的, 在短短的數小時裡, 透過那些圖片展覽, 攤位遊戲及抽獎等, 帶起了整個場地的氣氛, 看到那些同學踴躍的参加, 彷彿大家都回到孩童年代. 總括而言, 因為我從未試過舉辦活動, 這真是一次難忘的經歷. 這些經驗不是從書本上可學習得到的, 一定要經周詳的計畫和充足的準備才能付諸實行. 而最令我難忘的就是宣傳單上的宣傳句子, 真是很押韻!

Perform feats most of certainly is our leaders: sam , sarah. Get their leaderships, we can make a concerted effort.To me, our activities are absolutely successful, in very short few hours in, through those picture exhibitions, booth game and draw prizes etc., started to bring the whole atmosphere of place, see those classmates eager?Add, seem to everyones to return to kid's age. In short, because I have never tried to hold an activity, this is really an unforgettable career. These experience doesn't can learn to get from the book of, must can carry into effect with ample preparation through the detailed and complete project. And make most I unforgettable is publicizee a list up of publicity sentence, is really rhyme very much!

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