
2008-01-03 7:05 pm
我想去布吉那邊(自由行), 5月中, 有冇好介紹,比多d information 比我,因為我第一次去.

回答 (2)

2008-01-03 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實成個泰國有Fishing Tour 可 join, 你想釣2斤以下唔係問題, 但想釣再大D就要 join `Deep water fishing`, 重係要夜釣隻, 黃昏6pm 上船, 釣到零晨4點度,

日釣就會密口D, 成日有魚上釣, 漁夫會幫你將D魚BBQ 同滾湯, 你可要求邊幾條要帶走, 番酒店蒸, 因為成日都釣到芝麻班, 老虎班之類, 比佢整就徙料啦

夜釣就要等運到, 但一上釣就好差大條, 又可釣墨魚, 佢會烚熟比你食, 條大魚你可賣返比佢, 或叫佢切一忽比你

2008-01-06 10:57:52 補充:
咁你join咩團呀?I brought travel package and go by myself, I'm not join hong kong tour.

2008-01-06 10:59:03 補充:
0係邊度搵Tour?Tour agents are located anywhere in Phuket. The fishing day tour rate around baht1500-1800/ pax/ day. The boat can takes around 20 pax. But you can bargain a little.

2008-01-06 11:00:04 補充:
Or you can contact the boatmans whose are on the beach. I always try this way and get a very good price around baht1200/ boat/ day. Most times are private boat for you and a little bit small than the tour boat.

2008-01-06 11:00:31 補充:
But they speaks not good engish so you better communicate with them use simple engish + body language + pictures.你在邊個月份去呀?Jan, Mar, July, Sep, Nov, Dec. I had been in Thailand in this few years. The best weather is from Jan to Apr.

2008-01-06 11:01:20 補充:
有洗手間嗎?No, but you can wearing swimming suit and go to swim when you need to go toilet. I try this way everytime. Mostly, all female goes this way.
參考: 自己
2008-01-03 7:36 pm
You can vist this web-site to get more Thailand Travel informations: http://www.thailandf ans.com/second.html

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