Last Day 問題

2008-01-03 5:22 pm
我想問下,如果我1月7日交辭職信,一個月通知,甘我的last day應該是幾多號呀?
在辭職信上的effective date又應該幾多號呢?


回答 (3)

2008-01-03 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
last day 是 2月6日,而 effective day 是 2月7日,

7 January 2008

Dear sirs,

I regret to inform you that I would like to resign from my post of XXX based on personal reasons. I hereby give one month notice of my intention to leave XXXCOMPANY NAME with effective from 7 February 2008. And my last working day with the company will be on 6 February 2008.

Many thanks for giving me a chance to learn and gain the valuable experience in XXXCOMPANY NAME. I would like to wish the company all the best for the future.

Thank you for your kind attention and I would much appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.

Yours sincerely

2008-01-03 6:04 pm
Effective day生效日期係指你交辭職信嗰一日, 即係2008年1月7日
Last day最後工作日係指遞交辭職信起計一個月, 即2008年2月6日
其實點解唔遲多幾日先遞唧, 咁咪可以賺埋農曆新年嗰幾日人工囉 ^^
2008-01-03 5:37 pm
Effective date是交辭職信日期 (2008年1月7日)。last day應該是2008年1月6日。

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