
2008-01-03 4:13 pm
"2008年舉辦日期:1月25日至2月5日 "
"09/02-20/02/2008 威尼斯面具節"

有無人知究竟實際係幾時呢? 最好有官方日期/官方網...

回答 (2)

2008-01-03 4:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Venice Carnival 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008 - Tuesday, February 05, 2008
"Sensation: 6 sense for 6 sestieri"


As every year, event organizers of ball in costume inside historical palaces put their events inside our web site: browse them in our calendar of events.
Per more info about the events organized by Comune di Venezia for Venice Carnival 2008: [email protected]

Carnival of Venice Theme
More information about...
2008 Calendar of events
Photo Gallery
Interview to the protagonists
Video Gallery
Venice Carnival
The Venice Carnival Indepentent Guide since 1998

We're about to take you on a tour of Venice throughout the centuries. You will discover through history and culture how the Carnival used to be celebrated and how it is celebrated today in a city like Venice. The site splits into two sections at this point - the old carnival and the new.

In the old carnival section, we've endeavored to recreate the atmosphere of the carnival as it was lived under the Serenissima Republic, including some hitherto unpublished details. You will see how this wonderful event was lived and how the Venetians spent their days, how they dressed, how they ate and how they enjoyed themselves.

The new carnival section provides you with a proper guide to the city, helping you organize your own carnival time (real or virtual). We will enable you to better plan your trip by pointing out places of interest and giving details of the main events happening in Venice. There are a broad range of services to choose from (hotels, restaurants, specialist shops, public transport) and we've included details on a geographical basis of what is happening in each "Sestiere" (or area of town). We hope this will help you have an unforgettable trip visiting the places where the carnival is typically celebrated around Venice. Often you will find cross-references between the two sections where we've tried to show you the substantial differences between the old and the new way of celebrating the carnival. Now it's your turn to decide, so don your mask, and enjoy yourself!
2008-01-03 4:25 pm
Friday, January 25, 2008 - Tuesday, February 05, 2008



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