Why do you buy luxury brand product? 點解你地會買名牌袋?

2008-01-03 10:46 am
why do you buy luxury bags and accessories? will you buy luxury brand clothes? can u give me some reason?

點解你地會買名牌袋同accessories?(LV袋,GUCCI銀包ETC,)會買名牌衫MA? 可以解釋嗎

小女子正在做final year project about名牌市場消費者行玔研究, 希望大家幫幫手!!

回答 (3)

2008-01-03 11:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 個人喜好 --- 收集名牌袋,視名牌袋為藝術品。
2. 個人心理 --- 虛榮,羊群心理,標奇立異,補償心理(例如:失戀者為填補失去男友的空虛)
3. 團體心理 --- 有認同感(一齊用名牌袋,標籤為自己友)
4. 受外界的刺激 --- 廣告吸引,朋友推介,價錢吸引
5. 經濟因素 --- 名牌袋有二手及保值的功能,甚至炒賣賺錢功能。
6. 視為商品(commodity) --- 商品禮物供有需要的人買,然後送給男女朋友。

如果你真是要做名牌市場消費者行玔研究的話,我建議你選其中一二點主力研究。可以用刻度問卷(例如:將[ 虛榮,羊群心理,標奇立異,補償心理等等]列表,請受訪者選擇答案。)

同時訪問一, 二個女性作深入回答。


2008-01-03 03:24:52 補充:
第九行更正:是[名牌市場消費者行研究]補充:你可以街頭訪問一百位女性,所需時間每位約二分鐘。(太耐會走人)刻度問卷即是指:1 -- 非常不同意 2 -- 不同意 3 -- 無意見 4 -- 同意 5 -- 非常同意或者用0 - 9 , 0 - 絕對不是這原因, 9- 絕對是這原因例子:1. 請圈出,你想買名牌的原因?虛榮 羊群心理 標奇立異 補償心理 有認同感 廣告吸引 朋友推介 價錢吸引2. 請將以上的其中三個的因素,排列次序。(0 - 9 , 0 - 絕對不是這原因, 9- 絕對是這原因
參考: 我自己
2008-01-03 11:24 am
可能好多人係cause of show off~
2008-01-03 11:05 am
One of the reasons is called peer pressure, it means that if most of your friends within your social group are using the same brand name, it is a tendency you will do the same. It can be due to similar character within the same social group or they need to maintain something that they act the same. Another reason is about the image, it shows that you have some taste on fashion, or you afford to buy luxury products. Then people somehow will have more confidence on themselves.

For those superstar fans, they like to follow what their star is doing, buy this bags, wearing accessories and so on.

Hope this helps.
參考: me

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