有冇人可以幫我把e段野變英文 (中文改成英文)

2008-01-03 6:08 am


回答 (3)

2008-01-03 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
I thought this special topic is very novel, but I thought this topic should be the combination does can good somewhat. My this does is comes the subject with the Christmas, because just passed the Christmas was very interesting to mine, therefore I used the Christmas to make the subject.
2008-01-03 6:38 am
I think this piece topic of special topic very novel , but I think topic this should is it it makes to be can kind a little to make up. Theme that I do this time to spend Christmas coming, because it was very interesting to me on Christmas of the past just now, I spent Christmas doing the theme .
2008-01-03 6:12 am
I feel the topic of this special subject am very unusual, however I feel this topic's should be a combination to do would very some.I time's doesing now is to use the Christmas topic, because just the past Christmas is very interesting to me, so I make decision with the Christmas. 。
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