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2008-01-03 5:55 am
每當上網到搜尋器打「樓上café」既字眼既時候,成千上萬既網頁即刻就出現,可見樓上cafés 既發展何其快。呢類cafes 多數在Mong Kok, Wan Chai and Causeway Bay 存在。主要因為這些地區都是多人流同埋係gathering 既集中地。另外就因為一d 地區都有不少既舊樓甚或唐樓被改其功用,所以Mong Kok, Wan Chai and Causeway Bay 就成為左樓上cafés 既集中營了。當然,這現象有好有唔好。好既就係有好多選擇俾人選,唔好既就係形成競爭同埋有飽和既清況出現。可能有d人認為,有對手有競爭先會有進步(良性競爭),但係對於新店黎講,卻係突圍的障礙,甚至被隴斷(惡性競爭)。然而咁都冇得argue 既,唯有宣傳做得好d,適者生存。
不過,飽和既情況可以點解決呢﹖或者係後面既部份先講呢個topic 啦。

fomal 一點,請不要用software 直譯。thx!

回答 (1)

2008-01-03 1:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whenever search 'upstairs cafe' in the internet, there will be up to thousands results appeared. It proved how fast the development of upstairs cafe is. These cafes usually located in Mong Kok, Wan Chai and Causeway bay, mainly because those place always crowded with people and a good place for gathering. Another reason is that there are quite many old buildings situated in those areas. Of course, this phenomenan have both advantages and disadvantages. For advantages, they provide a lot of choice for people to choose from. For disadvantages, they lead to competition and saturation. On one hand, some people may claimed that competiton will lead to improvement so called 'positive competition'. On the other hand, they established a barrier on the entry of the market for the new businessmen, even lead to monopoly i.e. negative competition. Nevertheless, they can not argue with it. The only thing they can do is propaganda and promotion. It is so called 'Survival of the fittest'. However, how to solve the problem of saturation? Propably we can discuss it in the next topics.
參考: poor translation

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