
2008-01-03 5:54 am
Find the ratio a:b:c in each of the following:

1. a/b=b/c=4

2.A pizza is first divided into two parts A and B in the ratio 3:5 by area. The larger part is further divided into two parts C and D in the ratio 3:5 by area. Find the ratios of areas of

(a) A:C:D

(b)D:the whole pizza

SORRY........ A pizza is first divided into two parts A and B in the ratio 3:5 by area. The larger part is further divided into two parts C and D in the ratio 3:4 by area. Find the ratios of areas of (a) A:C:D (b)D:the whole pizza

回答 (2)

2008-01-03 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. a/b=b/c=4
a=4b and c=b/4

2.A pizza is first divided into two parts A and B in the ratio 3:5 by area. The larger part is further divided into two parts C and D in the ratio 3:5 by area. Find the ratios of areas of

(a) Let the area of whole pizza be 8x
we have area A:area B=3x:5x
and Area C =3x/8 and Area D=5x/8

(b)D:the whole pizza
2008-01-03 6:51 am
1. a/b=b/c=4-----32/8=8/2=4------a=32 b=8 c=2
(b)D:the whole pizza 25:64

2008-01-02 23:20:43 補充:
2. (a ) B佔整個pizza 5/8,再要將 5 分成 3份和5份,所以要將5x3和5x5。得出結果是15:25,而15+25剛好是40所以最大的5份要倍大8倍,那麼5/8就同時倍大8倍變成40/64,3/8也倍8倍變成24/68。列式計算如下:5/8=5x(3+5)/8x(3+5)=40/64C=3x5/64=15/64D=5x5/64=25/64A=3/8=24/64所以A:C:D=24:15:252.(b)25/64 是合理的。

2008-01-02 23:29:32 補充:

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