
2008-01-03 4:56 am

回答 (2)

2008-01-04 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
身為軍隊將領, 如果不懂得天文學, 地理學, 又不懂一些陰陽術數和方陣原理, 並利用這些知識來調兵遣將, 就算不上是出色的將領了! 我三天之前己經推測到今天會有大霧, 因此才敢提出給我三天限期的壯語. 周瑜給我十天時間準備作戰, 怎會足夠? 何況工匠和物料方面的支援又不足, 他只是給我大難題, 找借口殺我罷了. 不過我的性命是由上蒼主宰, 周瑜要害我有那麼容易嗎?
A general cannot claim himself to be capable unless he possesses some knowledge about astrology, geomancy, the principles of Yin and Yang, and applies those knowlege in war. I predicted three days ago that it would be foggy today. That was why I presumed to make the pledge to prepare the army to attack in three days. Zhou Yu allowed me ten days to prepare for war, knowing that would not be sufficient. The support of craftmens and materials are limited as well. He is only looking for an excuse to kill me. But my destiny in the hand of someone above who is more powerful. Can the trick Mr. Zhou plays lay a finger on me? I think not.
2008-01-03 5:04 am
For will not pass the astronomy, will not know the advantage, will not know the art of making oneself invisible, will not understand the masculine and feminine elements, did not look a chart, the unclear display of weapons, will be the mediocre person.亮于三日前已算定今日有大霧,因此敢任三日之限。公瑾教我十日完辦,工匠料物,都不應手,將這一件風流罪過,明白要殺我﹔我命系于天,公瑾焉能害我哉!”




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