Form 3 Physics 急!

2008-01-03 2:53 am
Cindy is preparing milk for her baby. She mixes milk powder with 0.17 hot water at 61。C in a milk bottle. She finds the milk too hot and put the bottle in a water bath of 20。C to cool down the milk. The temperature of milk drop to 35。C after 5 minutes.
(the specific heat capacity of milk and water are 4200Jkg-1)
energy lose from milk to the water (water bath) is 18564J.
What is the mass of water in the water bath?
E=mc delta T
18564=(m)(4200)(35-20) <-點解會係35-20?
m =0.295kg

我係唔明個water bath d 水點解會變左做35。C 佢個題目又冇講

回答 (2)

2008-01-04 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為( )入面一定係大既-細既

2008-01-04 17:44:58 補充:
2008-01-06 2:41 am
Because Cindy use a water bath of 20。C to cool down the milk.
參考: me

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