
2008-01-03 1:17 am
karate imformation

回答 (3)

2008-01-03 1:24 am
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In a nutshell, karate is a martial art of Japanese origin that deals with attacks through evasive body movements and/or blocking, and counter attacks using kicks, punches and strikes. Joint locks, restraints and takedowns are also used, but to a lesser extent. People variously practice it as a form of self defence, a way of keeping healthy and a sport.

As a self defence system, karate does not so much teach a set of standard responses to a set of limited scenarios, but rather teaches a set of principles that can be applied in any situation.

As a method of keeping fit and healthy, it develops balance, co-ordination, aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility. In addition, (and unlike many other physical activities), it also challenges the brain and requires constant mental alertness and agility.

Finally, the sporting element allows people of a sporting inclination to test their karate skills against others in a safe and controlled environment.

The practice of karate is divided into three elements: kihon (basics), kata (forms) and kumite (sparring). However these three elements should not be considered separate, as they constantly overlap and rely on each other.



作為一種方法,強身健體,健康發展的平衡,統籌,有氧健身,力量和靈活性。此外, (並不同於其他許多身體活動) ,它也是挑戰,大腦和需要不斷的心理機智與敏捷。


實踐空手道共分為三個部分: kihon (基礎) ,字(表格)和kumite (惡語相加) 。然而這三個要素不應被視為獨立的,因為他們不斷的重疊和互相依賴。
2008-01-03 10:20 am
=.= 樓上的
實踐空手道共分為三個部分: kihon (基礎) ,字(表格)和kumite (惡語相加) 。然而這三個要素不應被視為獨立的,因為他們不斷的重疊和互相依賴。
只是搞笑的吧........什麼叫「字(表格)和kumite (惡語相加)」 別轉貼一些垃圾內容吧.......
2008-01-03 1:20 am
Karate can be traced back to 6th century China when Dharma developed a system to promote the physical development and to give monks and missionaries the skills and ability to defend themselves. In 1609 Okinawa was conquered and the rulers implemented strict no-weapons policies. To defend themselves, the Okinawans refined empty-handed combat techniques. The Okinawans trained mostly at night and in their sleeping garments, which is the origin of the karate gi.

Karate is a striking art in which you face an opponent face to face and then block and weaken his blows while striking with maximum impact until you can incapacitate your opponent.

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