
2008-01-03 12:33 am

回答 (4)

2008-01-03 1:07 am
Paul was reading while waiting at the bus stop. When a bus arrived, Paul got on it subliminally. He was still reading the book and was preoccupied by it.
After a long period of time, the bus reached the terminal at last. Paul got off and finally realised he got on the wrong bus.(He even got off at the wrong station.)
It's too late. The bell has rang at at school. Paul regretted that he (got on the wrong bus/ did not pay attention with what he was doing.)
2008-01-03 1:02 am
Paul was reading a story book when he was waiting at the bus stop. He did not pay attention and got on the bus once it came, and continued to concentrate on his book.
Time passed, and the bus arrived at the terminal station. Paul got off the bus and found that he got the wrong way. However, the school lesson has already passed and he could not go to school on time. He was very regretful to get on the wrong bus.

2008-01-04 15:43:49 補充:
2008-01-03 12:56 am

Paul waits at the bus stop, and reading a book.
When the bus come, Paul just run to the bus, pay attention to nothing.
He still reading a book, pay all his attention.
Crossed for a long time, the bus has reach the final bus station.
When Paul get off from the bus, just know he took a wrong bus.
And got off to a wrong bus station.
There isn't enough time, the time of the class ,it was past.
He's really repent of he took a wrong bus.
2008-01-03 12:39 am
Paul looked at the same time □the books in the bus station waited
for at the same time the bus approached, paul assorted □has not all
paid attention then flushes bus □him to look as before □the books,
are enthralled looked □the books have been very long, bus to main
terminal. Paul alights, only then knew oneself built passes each other
also under mistakenly the vehicle. Has attended class without enough
time the time all passed he to regret very much oneself built passes
each other

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