有人可以幫我做英文book report嗎?

2008-01-02 11:38 pm
有人可以幫我做英文book report嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-01-03 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Storm Catchers
Tim Bowler

The story starts when Ella is kidnapped on a stormy night while her brother Fin is out. This shocking event leads to the discovery of the family's deepest, darkest secrets. Their father is forced to bring up memories he has kept hidden until the kidnapping.

The youngest child, the four-year-old Sam, with special psychic powers, has nightmares related to the lighthouse, involving a spectral girl leading him down to the coastal path and inviting him to "Catch the storm" and to jump into the dark, crashing waves with her. Sam gets increasingly confused as his dreams that are parallel to reality.

On the other side, the main character Fin is facing problems of his own, feeling completely powerless as the storm closes in. He feels that it is his fault that Ella was kidnapped as he was supposed to be looking after her. Reader can tell that the guilt within him is devouring him alive. With Sam's help, Fin, does all he can to rescue Ella, and along the way, they expose the horrors of their family's past. The two of them find out how her kidnapper turns out to be far more than just only a stranger, and how he is in fact not after money at all, and they realize the fact that everything is uncannily linked to the treacherous storm that rages every night.

This is a story that does make me feel boring. In the story it tell a very amazing science fiction with many physical power in between a very deep secret in a family, which almost confuse them from the reality.
2008-01-03 12:05 am
me可以幫you做英文book report
參考: me

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