Do You have Time For God, Or are you too busy?

2008-01-02 7:03 am
Do you let your life get out of control spending more time on the little material things that surround us, or worries that God already promised would be taken care of, or are you spending time Focusing on what God wants us to Focus on, Jesus is the One who went to the cross for us, Don't you think We should take time out to listen, learn, and share?

sweet sweet jane- but that is a way of witnessing, and sharing in Christs love what we are called to do.

回答 (22)

2008-01-02 4:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I try to put God first and all the work that he has for my life. But I admit, sometimes I get in control and want to do things my way. I just pray that God keeps me in check and that I always put Him and His call to my life first. And I pray the same for you too!
In Christ
2008-01-02 3:09 pm
The Gospel is being preached, those who have the eyes to see are seeing. My life belongs to Him.
2008-01-02 3:12 pm
God has Time, my time belong to God.
You are right, that's how easy God has made life for His children! All we have to do is live for Him, His glory.
Listening to Him,Learning about him and Sharing His Word.
參考: Remain Blessed.
2008-01-02 3:09 pm
Sometimes I do get busy, but then I have to get my focus back on God, where it should be. My life is better when I'm focused on God.

God Bless
2008-01-02 3:08 pm
hi, lynn...good questions. God bless
2008-01-02 10:22 pm
I always have time for God. :) And whenever I need him I know he is ALWAYS there for me even when I think he isn't.
2008-01-02 10:05 pm
Most people who own a comuter are a bit pressed for time, but we dare ot ever be too busy for the One who loves us best!
2008-01-02 10:02 pm
You know I struggle with that most of the time, and I think its my biggest 'flaw'. I have a hard time focusing on more than one thing at a time in all areas of my life, but I have faith that with His strength I shall overcome. I also want my struggle to be a witness to others what God can do.
2008-01-02 8:29 pm
Your question reminds me of a quote from Luther which my wife found. It went along the lines of 'I am going to be very busy today so I need to spend the first two hours in prayer'
I couldn't manage without a bible reading, meditation and prayer each day - but sometimes, I admit, it gets a little squeezed.
2008-01-02 3:11 pm
I think god and god worshippers should spend more time being like jesus and less time talking about jesus and god's promises. If you can talk about it all day, I wonder why so many seem to stumble when it comes to giving of yourself-not for gain--to another in love. Why so many times I hear christians talk of god's love while, literally, thousands of children are starving each day. Who will care for them? Who cares? I truly wish more would be like the parable of the good samaritan....and help those people--unlike yourself--who need basic food and water. Is that not what Jesus would do?
2008-01-02 3:07 pm
which god? there are millions

jesus was only a fictional character
2008-01-02 3:07 pm
do you have time for the easter bunny? or are you too busy?
2008-01-03 5:34 am
hey Lynn,
I dropped you a note saying that I came by your site to say hi- I didn't know how to get in so I left-
do I have time for God-- I consider myself His
what does that tell ya
2008-01-03 4:20 am
i believe i could spend allot more time doing for him than what i do.
2008-01-03 12:51 am
Good question

With three children, it is hard. But, of course the devil knows this and will throw anything your way to keep you from the Word.

We must make time.
I think the best thing that works for me is early in the morning before the kids are awake.

He wants to have a relationship with us, how can we do that if we wont devote anytime?

I think you are absolutely right.

God bless ;0)
2008-01-02 11:40 pm
hummm i must admit , there are times i get fustrated and i do focus to much on other things.....But Thanks be to God...and His Spirit that reminds me , where He bought me from , and the tasks at hand to Speak HIS matter How or What others say and do...........WE are Watchmen...and WE are to SOUND the ALARM.........JESUS is Coming Soon !!
2008-01-02 3:07 pm
If he came over to my house, I would certainly make time to chat with him. Have him contact me through my Yahoo! Answers e-mail link.
2008-01-02 3:07 pm
I left a message on his machine, he never called back.
2008-01-02 3:40 pm
So many gods, so little time
2008-01-02 3:24 pm
I do what I feel is best. And I do it for myself.
2008-01-02 3:06 pm
I am way too busy
2008-01-02 3:14 pm
Jesus was a fraud, who if he performed any miracle at all, was empowered of Satan the Adversary, to test the Jews and see if they understood the prophecies. Those who followed him, including Christians and the so-called "Messianic Jews" are those who failed this test and were led away from G-D. list the hundreds of prophecies Jesus failed to fulfill.

Jesus was NOT a member of the tribe of Judah since he had no biological father (according to the Bible).

Jesus did NOT directly descend from David through Solomon, patriarchally.

Jesus did NOT gather all the Israelites and restore them to Israel.

Jesus did NOT rebuild the Temple (in fact, it FELL shortly after he allegedly died).

Jesus did NOT rule, let alone at a time of world-peace.

Jesus did NOT rule, let alone at a time all Jews everywhere kept perfect observance of the mitzvot.

Jesus did NOT rule, let alone at a time when all peoples everywhere would know and acknowledge G-D alone, and serve him in perfection.

Further, contrary to Christian claims Jesus will fulfill the prophecies at his second coming, why did he not do so? Jesus died, Jesus went elsewhere. Then Jesus returned and hung out for 40 days. As such, Christians are waiting for a THIRD coming, not second.

Worse still, there is not one single prophecy in the Old Testament that the Coming Messiah will fulfill the prophecies in multiple comings. They are quite specific that he gets one lifetime to do them, or fails the test.

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