Don't you mind if your job is boring???

2008-01-01 1:53 pm
Do you still find meaning on going to work everyday???

回答 (23)

2008-01-01 1:55 pm
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Personal preference.

Some people find meaning in a job that supports their prefered way of life.

Myself, I have to find meaning in my job as well so if I get bored I have to change something.
2008-01-01 9:58 pm
Yes I mind as we never do our best if we don't like our job. It's a grind to go in everyday. I was fortunate enough to find a job, but am retired now, that I went in everyday enthusiastically and each day was a challenge . I love it dearly and I love the children I taught. They were a challenge because I worked with children who were kicked out of regular school. I never will regret and I am one person that truly say I really loved my job!
2008-01-01 9:57 pm
My job has no meaning or personal self satisfaction. I work at an IT helpdesk run by megalomanical micromanagers, and answer calls from mindless idiots daily.

Although I love working with computers, I hate this job. But its a job and pays the bills.

No one can find meaning in their work, unless they are working for themselves, doing something they love, and hopefully making money doing it.
2008-01-01 9:57 pm
Yip! My job is definetly not boring and there is always something different to do and talk to. Also I work in a small office and everyone gets on (fingers crossed it stays that way!) and the banter is great.
Though every week there is certain things that you have to do and become repetitive there are so many other things that you try new.
2008-01-01 10:55 pm
Hi. I am still studying and actually have no work experience yet but i have conducted practicum or on-the-job training for months so i think sharing with you my experience would somehow help you with your problem. I had my practicum in a bank and I actually don't have a specific task to do. what makes it boring for me is that I have to wait for my boss to assign me something to work on. Then there came a time when a typhoon hit our place and it caused damage and total destruction especially to business establishments here which also caused piles of "must-do's in the office". And it was also the reason why some of my co-trainees were not able to attend to their practicum so I was the only one who went to office for a whole month and I did all the stuffs by myself. Considering that it was also year-end and many clients would come in and out of the bank. I was so tired and so bored coz I dont have anyone to talk to (Im refering to my co-trainees) and the employees there were so busy that you would not even mind to ask something. That made me feel like not wanting to go back to the office the next day or even finish my practicum. But what made me keep on coming back to office was that i treated my practicum as a need at the same time an advantage. I needed it so i could comply with school requirements. I also needed it as I prepare and get myself ready the moment i get employed after graduation. And that also makes it an advantage for me coz not all students are given the chance to take the practicum while still in school and it would really help me a lot.

I know i don't have lots of experience yet and it's easy for me to say all these at this time. But I think I agree with what Greywolf said that you have to find meaning in your job. You have to set your purpose so that whenever you get bored, you would become more inspired than become restless. good luck.
2008-01-01 10:20 pm
I was bored with my job and could not get promoted. Now I am retired. I suggest you find a way to play the game properly in the business world to climb that ladder in order to reach your potential and of course increase your salary.
2008-01-01 10:03 pm
It's alright, a bit boring sometimes, a bit stressful sometimes but I don't work for entertainment. I'm willing to be less happy at work so that I can be more happy outside of work. I'm grateful that I have a well-paid job that's secure, a career and supports me and a family in the future. Can't have your cake and eat it too!
2008-01-01 10:01 pm
Yes I mind that my job is boring--sometimes. I used to work in a very negative and hectic environment where I was never bored. This is a big change for me. Lots of downtime. The clock ticks sooo slowly here. But I have to look at the positive. I am finally on salary. I don't have THAT much responsibility. If/when things do get hectic I always know that it won't be like my former job. People won't start threatening to beat each other in the parking lot after hours. It really isn't that stressful at all.
2008-01-01 9:59 pm
It drive me nuts but it's the best paying job I can find in my area right now. I guess one can't complain for making what I do to stare at a wall most of the day waiting for someone to come into the business.
2008-01-01 10:04 pm
I mind very much if my job is boring. My productivity won't be what it should, I won't feel satisfaction or challenge, and basically it ends up just being a paycheck.

I'd MUCH rather have a job I like, if not actually enjoy, something challenging that changes now and then, and be able to (if not actually look forward to going to work) not dread heading in each day (feeling it would be 8 hrs of my time dragging and virtually wasted, if not for the paycheck).

I can appreciate getting paid a wage for any job I do...we must have money to live in a decent manner, but we don't always get any satisfaction or pleasure out of the method which we earn it.

My current job is sometimes boring, sometimes not. Not what I'd prefer to be doing however...

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