
2008-01-02 6:38 am
我想報讀大學的課程,但大學要求每位申請人需寫一封約2000字的自我介紹信及推蔑信。請問自我介紹信要如何寫?有否格式?而推蔑信一般要寫 Dセ?

回答 (1)

2008-01-10 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Many universities don't interview applicants, so the only information they have about you is your personal statement form. Most of the personal statement form only contains your details, the bits the universities are interested in is your grades, your references and your personal statement. The personal statement is the only bit you really have control over, so this is your chance to present a good image to the admissions tutor, even if your grades don't really reflect that image.

If you are applying to an oversubscribed university course, and everyone applying is likely to have good grades, the personal statement is the only thing that tells you apart from other applicants, so you want to try and make yours as good as possible.

When the admissions and subject tutors look at your personal statement, they are likely to be asking two main questions:

1. Do we want this student on this course?
2. Do we want this student at this university?

These can be broken down into a number of easier to answer questions:

Is the student suited to the course that they are applying for?
Does the student have the necessary qualifications and qualities for the course?
Is the student conscientious, hardworking and unlikely to drop out?
Will the student do their best and cope with the demands of the course?
Can the student work under pressure?
Will the student be able to adjust to their new environment at university?
What are their communication skills like?
Are they dedicated to this course and have researched it well?
Do they have a genuine interest in the subject and a desire to learn more about it?

These are the sort of questions you need to answer in your personal statement. Unfortunately you cannot answer them directly, you need to provide evidence and make it sound believable.

Ultimately, admissions tutors are human too, and may well have hundreds of personal statements to shift through, so even if you think you've answered all these questions really well you may still be unlucky. There are other techniques you can use to make your statement stand out and appeal to admissions tutors, but remember they are all different and may have different ideas about what they look for in a prospective student. Some of these techniques are discussed in the personal goals section.

2008-01-11 12:39:59 補充:

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