
2008-01-02 6:18 am
-侍應替客人寫菜單時,通常他會使用一些速記符號,這是因為過去擔任茶餐廳侍應的人,文化水平比較低。亦因為茶餐廳的步伐一般相當急促,侍應並沒有太多時間每一個字寫 到單上交到廚房去。

回答 (5)

2008-01-03 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
-- Food diversification
-- Efficiency
-- Food prices affordable
Inadequacy of:
Food Category:
-- Cafe supply the Chinese and Western-style food, cafes supply the Chinese and Western-style food, many unique to Hong Kong restaurants.
-- Traditional food restaurants selling price is usually expensive. However, because of the current inflation, the price of food with the large group of fast food shops same.
Business model:
-- Waiters write the menu for the guests, he usually will use some shorthand symbols, it is because in the past as the cafe waiter, educational level is relatively low. Cafe because the rapid pace of a general, waiters and do not have much time each wrote a single word, delivered to the kitchen.
-- The vast majority of cafes also need to "take Taiwan," especially in the afternoon, the busiest time. "Setting up the stage" is a few people who did not know the same one. Usually cafe waiter will arrange for guests sitting.
-- Leave time to counter with a single payment clearing.
參考: ME
2016-05-17 8:06 am
chinese and western food
2008-01-08 4:57 am
Advantages: -- Food diversification -- Efficiency -- Food prices affordable Inadequacy of: Food Category: -- Cafe supply the Chinese and Western-style food, cafes supply the Chinese and Western-style food, many unique to Hong Kong restaurants.Price: -- Traditional food restaurants selling price is usually expensive. However, because of the current inflation, the price of food with the large group of fast food shops same. Business model: -- Waiters write the menu for the guests, he usually will use some shorthand symbols, it is because in the past as the cafe waiter, educational level is relatively low.Cafe because the rapid pace of a general, waiters and do not have much time each wrote a single word, delivered to the kitchen. -- The vast majority of cafes also need to "take Taiwan," especially in the afternoon, the busiest time. "Setting up the stage" is a few people who did not know the same one. Usually cafe waiter will arrange for guests sitting. -- Leave time to counter with a single payment clearing.
2008-01-02 6:42 am
I don't know!
2008-01-02 6:24 am
我找fd help你la...................................
參考: ...............................................

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