English - 知識長英文點叫同失敗乃成功之母點講?

2008-01-02 5:42 am
Dear Writing Experts

English - 知識長英文點叫同失敗乃成功之母點講?

Pls give me a help, Thank you!

回答 (6)

2008-01-02 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
若你曾看過英文的魔戒,其中就出現過:Lore Master這個字,lore是學問,或學識的意思,而master可解作大師;所以,我個人覺得:知識長譯做lore master就最貼切,而且不是自創的複合名詞,認受性會很大。
而失敗乃成功之母這是來自英文的諺語:Failure is the mother of success.

2008-01-01 22:21:34 補充:
順便一題,現在也有人會說另一句頗有意思的說話:Success is the father of failure.(成功乃失敗之父)。所以,不論失敗或成功都不要放在心上。如中國人所說:勝不驕,敗不餒。
2008-01-02 9:17 am
why dog
2008-01-02 5:57 am
Failure is the mother of success.
知識長? It only applies here...It refers to an expert in a certain field of knowledge. "Expert" would do, I guess.
2008-01-02 5:56 am
Failure is the mother of success
Failurse is the foundation fo success
2008-01-02 5:50 am
success" mother is called fail
2008-01-02 5:49 am
The defeat is mother of the success

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