
2008-01-02 4:47 am
Russia is ________ world's largest country.It covers about a ninth of the world' land area________is nearly twice the size __________Canada,the second largest country.Russia extends across two continents .About 25__________cent of its land area is in Europe and the rest is__________Asia.Most of Russia has long ,cold, snowy winters and warm __________ hot summers.

In its north-east territory,temperatures vary __________-68度 in winter and 37度 in summer.The warmest regions__________in the south-west,between__________Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.


個question係 Read the following passage and insert the missing words by writing them in the blank spaces in the right-hand side of the table.

回答 (5)

2008-01-02 2:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Russia is THE world's largest country.It covers about a ninth of the world' land area WHICH is nearly twice the size OF Canada,the second largest country.Russia extends across two continents .About 25 PERCENT of its land area is in Europe and the rest is IN Asia.Most of Russia has long ,cold, snowy winters and warm SHORT hot summers.

In its north-east territory,temperatures vary BETWEEN -68 degree in winter and 37degree in summer.The warmest regions ARE in the south-west,between THE Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.


1) The first paragraph about '...Russia has long, cold, snowy winters...' should be a comparison. Meaning the summer should be SHORT. Because you cannot have LONG winter and LONG summer. Therefore, the answer should be SHORT instead of other adjectives that describe the weather.

2) Also, you should use 'between -68 in winter and 37 degree... instead of From or Around. Because you will only use the word 'and' with the word 'between'. If you use 'from you have to use the word TO as well. So the answer should be BETWEEN
參考: myself, hope that helps.
2008-01-02 5:55 am
1. the
2. which
3. of
4. per
5. in
6. humid
7. around
8. are
參考: Myself, there are lot of mistakes in other's anwser
2008-01-02 5:04 am
苛月杏笞 弓委金鈉帑
2008-01-02 4:59 am
Russia is _the_ world's largest country.It covers about a ninth of the world' land area_and_is nearly twice the size _of__Canada,the second largest country.Russia extends across two continents .About 25__per__cent of its land area is in Europe and the rest is__in__Asia.Most of Russia has long ,cold, snowy winters and warm __and__ hot summers.

In its north-east territory,temperatures vary __about__-68度 in winter and 37度 in summer.The warmest regions__is__in the south-west,between__the__Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.
2008-01-02 4:56 am
Russia is a world's largest country.It covers about a ninth of the world' land area. it is nearly twice the size of Canada,the second largest country.Russia extends across two continents .About 25 per cent of its land area is in Europe and the rest is in Asia.Most of Russia has long ,cold, snowy winters and warm in hot summers. In its north-east territory,temperatures vary degrees-68度 in winter and 37度 in summer.The warmest regions is in the south-west,between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.

2008-01-01 20:57:02 補充:

2008-01-02 16:17:39 補充:
參考: think

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