小學6年級作詩題(英文) 好急...大家幫幫手{20分}

2008-01-02 2:58 am
題目系: Write at least 4 verses about the feelings of people in different circumstances.

大家幫幫手諗諗,應該點作 ?!
我諗左好耐,諗吾到 -3-

回答 (2)

2008-01-02 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can say about "when people test fail""when people know they are going to die."when people lost their passport.""when people see a lovely baby."
If you really don't know,I can think for you.
參考: mself XDD
2008-01-02 8:08 pm
參考: 6年小學經驗(我F.1嫁啦!)

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