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2008-01-01 11:42 pm

Hong Kong students under too much pressure to be be all-rounders?

一個人認為 teenagers are fast learners,
而另一個人認為 students should be allowed to develop their interests.



回答 (1)

2008-01-04 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to the research of an organisation of Hong Kong educational system, more than 70% of Hong Kong resident agree Hong Kong students under too much pressure to be all - rounder. In order to become a perfect student, Hong Kong students have been having too much pressure nowadays. They spend most of the time to learn other skills after school such as painting, usage of many computer softwares, sports..... Students need to revise and do their homework, but at the same time, they also need to learn many other skills. Some of the student may feel difficult to manage this. As many parents want their children have a good result from school and also can develop at least one skill outside school, students have too much pressure and become exhausted. Some parents even believe if their children do not develop many skills outside the school, they may have difficulty to go on their studying or looking for a job in the society. This naive thought is getting popular.

Two persons were interviewed about this topic and yet they had very different opinions. One person agree teenagers are fast learners, so they should be capable to learn some other skills other the school, while another person agree students should be allowed to develop their interests, in other words, they should focus on their study only.

It is always a good idea to gain more extra skills, but it is for important for parents to care the feeling of their children. If their children feel difficult to do extra learning, parents should cut this out.
參考: I made it up ....there is no such a new

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