
2008-01-01 11:25 pm

這篇文章是講述楊錚這個名星,她由細到大都是十分愛海洋,由其事是潛水,好喜歡海底中那種平靜的感覺,和水中的生物在你身邊游過,例如:sea turtle , manta rays 等等.而她最希望人們能夠愛惜這個美麗的水底,不會受到嚴重的污染.她希望in the future our children may fulfill their dreams of swimming with whales too.

回答 (3)

2008-01-01 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This passage talks about the famous star, Yang Tsang. She loves the ocean very much since she was young. She loves diving especially because it gives her a feeling of calm, and the aquatic organisms, like sea turtle, manta rays, etc. swim by. She hopes that people would cherish the beautiful ocean and should not pollute it. She also hopes that in the future our children may fulfil their dreams of wimming with whales, too. I have dived in Australia before. The sea was calm and quiet. With the gorgeous view of corals, I felt like I was in a 人間仙景(真係唔識 =_______=)...
參考: 自己諗架....放心我英文會ok過上面果位仁兄。
2008-01-02 1:50 am
This article is talk about a movie star Yang Zheng. She loves the ocean since she is young, especially the outdoor activities - diving. She love the clam feeling under water, and the creatures pass by, such as sea turtle, manta rays, etc.

She hope that people can cherish the beautiful ocean and not to pollute it, and also in the future, our children may fulfill their dreams of swimming with whales too.
I used to dive in Australia. Once I dive into the sea, the quiet, no sounds, and the view of coral reef. It just like fairy tales. It's so impressive.
參考: 我都係自己諗ga.
2008-01-01 11:40 pm
This article narrates Yang Zheng this star, she from thin to mostly loves the sea extremely, by its matter is the diving, good likes in the seabed that kind of tranquil feeling, has swum with the water in biology side you, for example: sea turtle, manta rays and so on. But she most hoped the people can treasure this beautiful under water, cannot receive the serious pollution. She hopes in the future our children may fulfill their dreams of swimming with whales too. But I have also attempted the diving in Australia, as soon as when I enter the water to bind, this kind of spirit static under water, the external sound pollution, in addition these coral reef landscape, probably does not arrive the world immortal scenery to be same, the impression is extremely profound.

2008-01-01 15:41:39 補充:
唔係THIN 係Young

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