
2008-01-01 10:11 pm
First of all, every life forms in nature has its own irreplaceable role irrespective of
human understanding.
Humans, like all other mammals, are at the top of the food chain and depend on
a diverse ecosystem for survival. In the process of civilisation, man utilises all
sorts of natural resources for survival and for the further development in human

回答 (2)

2008-01-01 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Every life forms in the nature has its own irreplaceable role. Humans, are at the top of the food chain. Like all other organisms, they depend on a diverse ecosystem for survival. During civilisation, they utilize all sorts of natural resources for survival and development of human society. Exploitation of natural resources causes habitat destruction and eventually extinction of species.

The relations among organisms are very complex and inter-dependent. Whenever the number of a species declines, other species, including mankind, will be affected. If a wide range of wildlife becomes extinct, it is questionable whether mankind will continue to survive.

(100 words)
2008-01-01 10:14 pm
Humans, like all other mammals, are at the top of the food chain and depend on
a diverse ecosystem for survival. Unsustainable exploitation of natural resources causes habitat
destruction or alteration, and eventually extinction of species. between the organisms found on Earth are very complex and are
inter-dependent on each other to sustain further generations. Whenever a
species declines suddenly, other species, including mankind, will be affectedAfter a wide range of wildlife become extinct, it is questionable whether ever
mankind will even be able to survive.

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