Physics Questions-Waves

2008-01-01 8:06 pm
1. No interference pattern would be formed by using two identical filament bulbs as light sources . This statement is TRUE

No interference occurs between the light from the two filament bulbs. This statement is False

My question: Can anyone explain the reason of these two statements?

(Cantonese is also acceptable.)

回答 (1)

2008-01-02 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先我要假設你明interference pattern, interference這兩個字的意思, 不明白我再解, 因為個定義好長

因為光線放出的時間是ramdom(*), 所以當bulbA發光時, B未必發緊光(反之亦言),
case1: 在b不發光的瞬間
只有1個bulb(bulbA)發光, 當然沒有interference
case2: 在b發光的瞬間
有2個bulb(bulbA+B)發光, 當然有interference(reason of q2)
總的說來, 有時有interference, 有時又沒有, 當然出現不了pattern(reason of q1)

(*)電燈發光是我們給燈能量, 他再放出, 我們能穩定地給他能量, 不過燈卻不是穩定地放出, 而是隨機的, 因此光線放出的時間是ramdom

2008-01-01 22:20:06 補充:
"但第二個Statement的原因是?非Coherent Source便沒有interference?""No interference occurs between the light from the two filament bulbs."這句錯兩個wave相交/重疊就一定有interference, 與Coherent無關Coherent Source是為了制造 pattern非Coherent Source便沒有interference pattern

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