怎樣決定用compound noun 定adj + noun 好 ?

2008-01-01 8:10 am
如work experience , 係一個compound ,
但working experiece 係一個adj + noun ,

點決定用邊個好 ...我要一個general ge 答案 或一個標準 , 而唔係只for 呢一個case

咁educational reform vs education reform 應該決定用那一個?

回答 (2)

2008-01-01 5:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Compound nouns:
1.closed form - e.g. keyboard, softball, baseball, girlfriend, boyfriend
2. hyphenated form - e.g. ice-cream, mother-in-law
3. open form - e.g. traffic light, kitchen table, police officer

A word modified by an adjective --> a compound structure
high school, green light, small box, nice person, old movie

Participle - a word form acting as an adjective: present participle or past participle
participle + noun --> a compound phrase / structure
1. present participle + noun - e.g. sleeping beauty, crying baby, rocking chair, confusing man, baking tray
2. past participle - e.g. confused man, educated person

正確上, 應是 'work experience ' 而不是 'working experience '.

work - a noun
experience - a noun
work experience - a compound noun (open form)

working - a present participle
experience - a noun
但不是所有 participles + noun 都可變成另一個合理的詞語. Working experience 就較不理.

sleeping beauty - a beautiful girl who is sleeping
crying baby - a baby who is crying
rocking chair - a chair which can rock
confusing man - a man who confuses other people
confused man - a man who is confused
educated man - a man who is educated
baking tray - a tray used for baking

working experience - an experience which can work (?) 不合邏輯
working experience - an experience for working (?) 也不合邏輯

Of course, there are always exceptions which make the 'beauty ' of English, create confusion to us.
正如, 可能你會話,
cry - can be a noun
baby - a noun
however, we say 'crying baby', but not 'cry baby'. 合邏輯, 不合文法

sleep - can be a noun
beauty - a noun
however, we say 'sleeping beauty', but not 'sleep baby' which is 合邏輯, 不合文法

sleep - can be a noun
apnea - a noun
however, we say 'sleep apnea', but not 'sleeping apnea' which is also 合邏輯, 不合文法

所以, 如有不肯定, 就最好翻查字典了. 以上僅是本人所瞭解的.
2008-01-04 6:37 pm
working experience is perfectly alright.

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