Why oh Why do so many of you assimilate true Christians with slayers of men such as the crusaders etc?

2007-12-31 6:31 pm
Look at Deciples not atheist governments who often hate christianity

回答 (15)

2008-01-01 1:06 am
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My minister just gave a sermon this past Sunday called "Slay Bells Ring ---- Are You Listening?"
Her point had to do with the evil activities of King Herod, though. And all the people he killed just because he could. The Crusaders were something like that. I do remember reading somewhere that they claimed to be Christians, though many wars were and are fought based on religious reasons.
I just don't understand why, though, when most religions teach peace and love and acceptance and tolerance.
參考: njj
2007-12-31 6:34 pm
Because in order to fulfill your good book you must be prepared to behave in the same manner.
參考: Former Christian
2007-12-31 6:39 pm
Because they claimed to be true Christians just as you do and the only source telling me they're not is your opinion. They would probably say that you're not a true Christian because you would suffer the infidels to live.

They followed the bible too. Perhaps nastier parts of it than you. But still, same Holy book, same God.
2007-12-31 6:36 pm
i think you are using the word assimilate wrong
2007-12-31 6:38 pm
Just spend ONE DAY here in this forum.

You will see very clearly that Christians are hate mongers and bigots.
2007-12-31 6:35 pm
Which church fimly condemns the popes who encouraged or condoned the Inquisition?
2007-12-31 6:34 pm
im not aware of any atheist governments......
2007-12-31 6:42 pm
Your question shows how little you know or understand for that matter { assimilate isn't even close to being used in proper context } And our government is being overrun with fanatical jack-offs like Georgie " the burning " Bush who says all the time as a excuse for his most stupid , outrageous and downright illegal of actions " god talked to me and told me to do it " ! People like you are deluded , ignorant and usually morons to boot .
參考: B . I . B . L . E . Baffling Idiotic Bulls**t Ludicrously Expounded !
2007-12-31 6:40 pm
all religions have a way of unintentional brainwashing
2007-12-31 6:54 pm
I don't assimilate True Christians. I don't assimilate anyone. I leave that to the Borg.

Assimilate: to absorb.

Also, Jesus did tell his "disciples" that a time would come when they would need to take up their swords. Too, the Bible does say to kill people. "Suffer not a witch to live" comes to mind, as well as tales of invading countries and killing those that lived there.

Please don't confuse Christianity with a pacifist faith; it is not.
2007-12-31 7:44 pm
I get it. The Crusaders were not "real" Christians. The Inquisitors were not "real" Christians. The only real Christians are sweethearts like you.

Did you know that all swans are black if you don't count the white ones?
2007-12-31 6:38 pm
Judas was the leader of a group of political assassins called the "Sicarii". This is biblical, since the leader of this group was called the "Iscariot". Simon was also a member of the larger freedom fighting organization that supported the Sicarii, called the Zealots. Finally, the Romans only crucified political prisoners. So, Jesus would probably not have been crucified, and if he was, no petty thief would have been on the cross next to him. Jesus and his boys (if they were even historical, which is highly doubtful) were Palestinian terrorists trying to get Rome out of Judea.
2007-12-31 6:38 pm
The Crusades have NO Biblical basis. Read the NT.

Were any of the Believers in the NT ever warlike?


The early Believers never participated in anything like the Crusades!

TRUE Believers would NEVER have participated in something like the Crusades!

That goes against EVERYTHING that Jesus taught about peace & love!
2007-12-31 6:35 pm
Because they are open minded and that means nothing sticks in their heads I would guess

Its easy to lump people in one group so you feel justified in your biased hating of them
2007-12-31 6:35 pm
I don't, that was the catholics.

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