Get manager experience.?

2007-12-31 3:17 pm
One of my goals in 2008 is to become a manager cuz I want the manager experience for different purposes. I never worked as a manager before. I would like to find out what are some ways to get it? How do you make your current employer or future employer to promote or hire you as a manager without any manager experience?

回答 (3)

2007-12-31 3:50 pm
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First off, you need a good educational background, then you must at least have a minimum five years experience in one particular field. Managers are experts and troubleshooters. They are good at planning their resources such as, time, material and manpower. You must have a good interpersonal skills, and very innovative but most of all you must be able to think on your feet. What I have describe to you are qualities and qualification of a Manager. If you have all of the above, then you can be a manager. However, these skills are learned overtime, Meaning you have to pass through different level of employment in a single field, which means you have to learn them through experience as these skills are not taught in schools, thought there are seminars on basics like planning, supervision, time management, financial management, basic accounting, etc. the proper usage and timing for these basics comes with practice and self discipline.

You can be promoted by your employer if you show the above described qualities. Future employers will only hire you if you can convince them that you have those qualities.

Good luck to your endeavor

2007-12-31 3:21 pm
Show them that you have business sense, show them that you can manage the companies money and show them that you can handle difficult employee customer situations. To be an effective manager you have to be firm but fair with employees, you have to be able to empathize with customers and your organizational skills must be amazing.
2016-04-02 4:15 pm
Being a general manager at the age of 21, should look good on your resume. Obviously it depends on the size of the company you are being offered the general manager job. You may then able to purse your degree by attending college on a part time basis.

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