Excel 表格內的字怎樣做成可以隱藏 , 但反白是亦見到字 ?

2008-01-01 5:51 am
用Excel 表格打字怎樣做成可以隱藏 , 但反白是亦見到字 , 用什麼格式 ?

回答 (2)

2008-01-01 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Change the word colour to white (or whatever colour that is the same as the background colour of the cell).

When you highlight it, it would appear. But it won't be visible if it is not highlighted.
2008-01-04 1:49 am
要 hide 既野, 點解唔放在一d 無用既 col / row , 然後成行 hide 左佢呢???
hide 左 row / col 之後, 你仲可以 protect sheet, 然後人地就 unhide 唔到架喇

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