Please help me to translate into English

2008-01-01 2:29 am
Please help me to translate into English
素聞 貴校校風淳樸,辦學嚴謹,懷作育英才之抱負,致力推動德、智、體、群四育。我仰慕 貴校的辦學理念, 貴校學生知書達禮,才藝兼備,教師教導有方,我十分欽佩。

回答 (2)

2008-01-01 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

Element Wen Guixiao the school spirit is simple and honorable, the school is rigorous, the bosom cultivates aspiration of the person with outstanding ability, devotes to impel the morality, intelligence and physique, the group four to nurture. I admire your school the school idea, your school student knows the book to reach the ritual, the talent and skill has both, the teacher has a good teaching method, I admire very.


2008-01-01 2:41 am
i always hear the school is school spirit simple , to run a school conscientious and careful , to bring up persons of outstanding ability , to strive for promote kindness , wise ,
the state of a substance ,a group for four educate .i am very respect the school simple
logos , the school student is very poilte ,talent and skill to be in possession of both , the teacher skillful in teaching and able to provide guidance , i am very admire

參考: me !

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