
2008-01-01 2:28 am

回答 (2)

2008-01-02 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Normally the secondary school will not allow students without A.Maths to take AL Pure Maths. It is because A.Maths is the foundation for Pure Maths. If you do not acquire A.Maths in CE, the teachers WILL NOT bear any responsibility to re-teach A.Maths materials (Since the time is too short for F.6 ~ F.7, only about 18 months!). To ensure the students taking Pure Maths do have enough knowledge to study it, they requires A. Maths as pre-requisite for AL Pure Maths. Although in HKALE exam, they didn't state explicitly that A.Maths is a must.
2008-01-01 2:58 am

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