A-level geog, econ, hist

2008-01-01 1:57 am
I don't know whether I have choose the wrong subject!
My school has provided 1)Geog/ P.A., 2)Econ/ psychology 3)History/ Chi lit for us.
Finally I have choosen Geog & Econ & History.
I hv difficulties in studying these subject. 1) All these subjects require a lots of time 2) Three of them require me to memorise a lot of things, I am not good at memorise things!! 3) Also, both Geog and Hist require me to answer long ESSAY QUESTION, and i always don't hv enough time to finish it.

回答 (2)

2008-01-01 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
我諗你唔used to AL既模式je...我以前讀多你半科tim啦(3AL+1AS)...都係咁je~~
it depends on how you manage your time~

寫essay寫寫下就好ga啦...depends on你肯唔肯成日寫~
我有同AL學生補geog既...上年佢地都A晒~~我諗一個好important既reason係佢地俾我迫下迫下差唔多個個星期都交一條essay俾我...佢地中6,7寫左more than60條essay~唔識寫同唔夠時間等等都train到咩都得啦~ =]

你又可以咁諗...hist同geog都require你寫essay...如果你geog d essay train到你d writing speed...hist essay既writing speed都唔會慢.

轉左科都會encounter到new problem既~萬一轉左科又覺難你係咪又轉過?
參考: me~~as a U student and past econ-geog-hist (+M&S) student
2008-01-01 2:05 am
I think Geog & Econ & History is the easiest.

You're right.
參考: me

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