高腳七想請教紫金2899 &1818

2008-01-01 12:22 am
我高位追貨 紫金2899 @14.2 and 1818 @42

if 紫金2899 reach 13, should i sell it get some profit first,
or wait up to 13.5-14 then sell it

if 1818 reach 34-35, should i sell it also,
or wait up to 36-38 then sell it


actually i want to sell it first and may be change to 941 or other 地產H股

what do u think?

回答 (2)

2008-01-01 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if 紫金2899 reach 13, should i sell it get some profit first, ~~ YES!
不過唔知短期有無機會再衝 $13. 我自己 $12.7 放了, 打算 $11 以下才買番, 愈接近A股上市會愈降低入貨價 (大概 $10).
if 1818 reach 34-35, should i sell it also, or wait up to 36-38 then sell it ~~ 我保守一點, 認為而家 ($32.75) 已經是沽出的時候, 我會在$29 樓下才考慮入貨.
actually i want to sell it first and may be change to 941 or other 地產H股 ~~ It depends on the prices you sell and buy. It's too early to judge.
以上只是自己小小愚見, 累你輸錢 or 賺小o左絕非我所願.

2008-01-01 12:41 am
紫金(2899) 我剛放貨, 你們就去追貨, 我想會有多一次機會去到13元或以上, 手快放貨

招金(1818) 有可能去到40元

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