香港浸會大學 浸大 宿舍 音樂 20分

2007-12-31 9:29 pm
浸大d宿舍係點? 咩都講d啦, 4個宿舍o既例如環境, 自由度, 文化, 會唔會迫人玩野, 點先入到 等等

浸大點到有得學西樂? 唔係講音樂系。 有咩西樂學? 咩條件先可以入浸大個管弦樂團? 介紹下個管弦樂團丫

回答 (1)

2008-01-09 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The student residence hall is actually 2 buildings joined together. They are located at the far end of the new campus of BU. I guess so far among the halls/hostels of various universities in HK, PolyU gets the most modern and most expensive hall. For BU, the hall has around 6-7 years of history yet I guess to most people, the facilities in BU hall can be satisfactory.

Usually, each student is assigned a roommate to share the room and the bathroom is to be shared by 4 students. On each floor, there is a lounge for students to watch TV, to cook and take some rest. Each floor can hold around 45 students and the total hall places in BU is thus around 1600. However, these 1600 places are shared among local undergraduate students, postgraduate students, local associate degree students and many many international students including mainlanders. Therefore, it is getting harder and harder for a BU student to secure a hall place in the hall. All halls in BU will not make activities "compulsory" but your participation in any halls in universities is always an important criterion for your continuation of hall place next academic year. Apart from that, BU halls is quite free in terms of students' commitment to hall life, though there are of course hall rules (eg no smoking and alcohol, no visitors after 11pm and no non-roommates after 1am, etc).

For the claimed culture of each hall, you can find them on the official website. For environment, the high levels of the south tower is said to have pleasant harbour views. That means the Cai and Yang hall have better views.

If you are talking about short-term western instrumental courses in BU other than BA music courses, there are several elective subjects for all students to take. They include music theory (approximately ABRSM grade 1-6 level), music appreciation, vocal, and many other groups of intrumental class include flute, voice, African drum, piano, etc (depending on the availability of instructors and capacity of each group, but for group music class, non-major students need to apply from the Music department).

As for the orchestra, they actually welcome all students who possess adequate proficiency of the instrument. If you are interested, you can always apply at the beginning of each semester and gain some credits for this activity. Auditions will be held to see if you are qualified. They usually have practice once a week. It is a whole-evening practice.

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