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Christian Name or First Name?
English speaking tend to refer to first-names as Christian names'. This is the definition we will use for the purpose of the majority of information supplied on this page. For additional information regarding other Christian religion origins please go to Biblical Baby Names.
西方人習慣first name=christian name, 同我地講既聖名係兩回事.
在下睇過下其他網聖名網站, 都冇你上面個3個名.
不過, 改聖名可以揀好多有意義既名, 又唔一定係聖人聖女既名先至用得. 有d網友提問過一d好似Gloria [主的光榮], Charity [仁愛], Lily [純潔] 都係好有意義既.
有d本來係男生名字女性化左都用得, Antonia [Anthony], Gabrielle [Gabriel], Justinia [Justin], Patricia [Patrick]
除左拼音好聽, 更重要係個意義吖嘛!
希望幫到你啦, 主佑.
2007-12-31 15:26:19 補充:
是你自己用的嗎, 你個匿稱Grace係一個好名呀, 除左係一位聖婦之外, Grace仲係 [恩典] 咁解!