那句cried 是(v)or (adj)?? 和解譯

2007-12-31 8:33 am
"Do you not want to know who has taken it?" cried his wife

cried 是(v)or (adj)??


thank you

回答 (3)

2007-12-31 2:25 pm
cried 是 verb
impatient 已经是 adj 如果再加上 adj, 那两个字就会冲撞了
2007-12-31 11:25 am
'Cried ' is the past tense of 'cry'
'Cried ' in this sentence is a verb.

BTW, 'impatiently ' in the sentence is an 'adverb ' NOT an 'adjective '.

'cried his wife impatiently ' is a clause.

A clause is a group of related words consisting of a subject and a verb. i.e. 基本上 a clause 一定要有 a verb and a noun.

cried - a verb
his wife - a noun

his - possessive pronoun
impatiently - an adverb
以上兩字 further describe / modify the sentence
2007-12-31 8:58 am
參考: me

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