我想問 領悟 的英文是什麼?

2007-12-31 7:34 am
我想問 領悟 的英文是什麼?

回答 (6)

2007-12-31 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案

領悟的英文是﹕Epiphany (名詞 noun), 讀﹕二-pip-焚-ni
上面的用戶提到的realize, apprehend, grasp,都是動詞 (verb), 都可以解領悟﹐但epiphany應該是最貼切﹐ 信我吧﹐我讀過文學﹐這個字在英國文學中很常用的。
i.e. I had a sudden moment of epiphany after I read the famous novel Moby Dick. - 當我看完著名小說白鯨記後﹐我突然有所領悟。
參考: 我是美國碩士學生
2007-12-31 8:57 am
to understand; to grasp; to apprehend
2007-12-31 8:25 am
to understand
e.g. I don't understand what you're talking about.

to grasp
e.g. I don't grasp your meaning.
e.g. His ideas are beyond my grasp.

to apprehend
e.g.You are, I apprehend, ready to renew the contract.

to realize/realise
e.g. I don't think you realize how important this is to her.

(after a period of confusion)to come to comprehend
參考: oxford dict.
2007-12-31 8:07 am
1. get (eg. have you caught the message? student: i get it!)
2. understand (eg. I understand the phenomenon of atomic motion.)
3. comprehend (eg. this comprehensive review includes recent researches in this field.)
4. perceive (eg. he had perceived wrongly what she had been trying to say.)
2007-12-31 7:54 am
apperception (對事物“有知覺明白”的意思)
digestion (有“消化吸收事物”的意思)
2007-12-31 7:40 am

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