
2007-12-31 7:33 am

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2007-12-31 4:26 pm
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老火湯 = double-stewed soup


consomme 清湯

chowder 羹

double-stewed soup 老火湯

pork and radish soup 連鍋湯

three fresh delicacies soup 三鮮湯

five-flavored mutton soup 五滋湯

shark’s fin soup 魚翅湯

scallop soup 干貝湯

snake potage with eight delicacies 八珍蛇羹

stewed white gourd soup with eight ingredients 八寶冬瓜盅

ginseng and black hen soup 人參炖烏雞     
laver egg soup 紫菜蛋花湯

soup with bamboo shoots and fresh mushroom 竹筍鮮蘑湯

mushroom soup 清炖冬菇湯

Mt. Lushan stone fungus soup 廬山石耳湯    

mashed chicken and asparagus soup 蘆筍雞茸湯

butterfly-shaped appetizer 蝴蝶冷盆
assorted appetizer 什錦冷盤

eight-diagram-shaped appetizer 太极八卦

spiced chicken liver and gizzard 鹵雞珍肝

shredded boiled pork meat 鹵牛肉

spicy chicken giblets 鹵雞雜

salted duck gizzards 鹽水鴨肫

duck wing tips 鴨翅膀

cold duck web 拌鴨掌

duck flippers with mustard sauce 芥末鴨掌

spiced peanuts 五香花生仁

saut sword beans with dried shrimps 開洋熗刀豆

pickled hot vegetables 泡辣菜

cold vermicelli with mustard and meat shreds 冷拌粉皮

wine preserved crabs 醉蟹

boiled shrimps with salt 咸水蝦

sliced pork tripe in hot chili oil 紅油肚片

chicken pickled in fermented rice wine sauce 糟雞

roast duck / goose 燒鴨(鵝)

multi-flavor chicken 怪味雞

spiced beef 麻辣牛肉條

mixed meat in aspic 白切肉

saut meat and vegetable 什錦肉凍

marinated chicken feet 五香鳳爪

spiced marinated chicken 五香醬雞

chicken skin with mustard sauce 芥末雞皮

chicken slices with bean jelly sheets 雞絲粉皮

chicken sings with chili sauce and sesame paste 辣味麻醬雞翅

roast duck shred in sauce 拌烤鴨絲

duck cutlets with sesame paste 麻醬鴨塊

stewed salt-preserved duck 桂花鹽水鴨

shrimp chip 蝦片

cucumber with jellyfish and dried shelled shrimp 瓜皮蝦

raw fish in sauce 生拌魚
bird’ s nest in crystal sugar 冰糖燕窩

braised snipe in port wine 紅酒燒竹雞

grilled young pigeon 鐵扒乳鴿

minced quail 鵪鶉松

eggs preserved in wine 糟蛋

pickled egg 醬蛋

egg in tea 茶葉蛋

spiced goose wing tps and webfeet 蒸腊鵝

spiced goose, Chaozhou style 潮州鹵鵝

roast goose, Chaozhou style 潮州燒雁鵝

braised whole duck in soy sauce 紅燒全鴨

spiced duck 五香鴨

steamed Nanjing salted duck 蒸南京板鴨

roast Beijing duck 北京烤鴨

sliced chicken in wine sauce 香糟雞片

deep fried spring chicken 炸童子雞

steamed chicken in lotus leaf packets 荷葉粉蒸雞

fried chicken in paper packets 炸紙包雞

chicken in orange flavor 陳皮雞

curry chicken 咖喱雞

braised chicken in casserole 砂鍋雞

mud-baked chicken 叫化子雞
參考: 唯圖英語
2007-12-31 8:35 am
老火湯的英文old fire soup
2007-12-31 7:54 am
old fire soup
參考: me

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