
2007-12-31 7:33 am
砵蘭街 ,是一條有強烈特色的街道。水陸交通發達,商住大廈林立,社區問題歷史悠久,人口稠密,夜生活多,越夜越美麗,成人活動吃喝玩樂,麻雀館、黃色招牌五光十色、時鐘酒店、同鄉會等等。

回答 (2)

2008-01-03 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Portland Street, is a strong feature of the street. Surface transport network and the commercial and residential skyscrapers, a long history of community issues, the densely populated, nightlife, the more beautiful night, adult activities of eating, drinking and entertainment mahjong parlour, yellow, colorful signboards, the clock hotels, etc. Association.
參考: ME
2008-01-01 1:24 am
The blue street is a street with strong characteristics. Land and water transportation is developed, the trader lives in the mansion to stand in great numbers, community's question has a long history, populous, there is much night life, cross the night is the more beautiful, the gluttony and pleasure-seeking of adult activity, sparrow's halls, yellow signboards are multicoloured and waiting a moment in clock hotels, the association of fellow provincials.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:50:17
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