
2007-12-31 5:33 am
i really want to know more westerners or internetional school's students or mixed!
as i want to improve my english!
everyone told me i can go to LKF!
i did but u know wt!
i cant know any gd guys!
mayb i am dat lucky to know any gd!
and i know there are many ppl r coming bak to HK as they r in holidays!
i also know sum of them r bored as they dun hv many fds in HK!
so i am willing to know any ppl who can speak in gd eng!
Any other ways to know ????

i mean mayb i am not dat lucky to know any gd!

回答 (2)

2008-01-15 6:47 am
2007-12-31 11:36 am
oh!you can meet me!
!msn:[email protected]

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