十萬火急!!!! 請進 (社工, 熟悉法律人仕, 律師, 心理醫生) new

2007-12-30 9:40 pm
敬請原諒, 因為本人現正吃藥睡覺....所要未忘記網上知識評分, 所以之前答過我問題的可send e-mail 給我........我可以另開模擬問題/ copy and paste ur answer before , 我認得你, 再比分.........仲之我以家好亂, 你想點就點, 但我誠意給回分數。

**** 上星期我涉嫌偷竊罪被捕…

但 really did it by神智不清的清況下…. 其實我之前有睇醫生…. 仲有食藥….. 但依排停左….. 但可能開始第二工作…. 依排成日有幻覺, 想跳出窗…. 甚至衝出馬路 , 在街上覺得友人害…….. 於是在這個我已經控制唔到的情況下……在某商場的店鋪就做左d咁 gei事……. 後來先發現原來拿了9xx野….外於當時腦海空白, 落口供時, 完全冇講野。警察寫了(我當時唔開心, 唔知點解 law 左野冇比錢)

(**** 請看補充****) 之前搵過社工…佢叫我急症室, 但個時仲未想比父母知, 所以拒絕左。後來佢話28/12 再落口供, 點知原來唔係!!!! 原來已正式起訴!! 我已經排番政府醫院, 但9/1 先可以睇。 我以家仲可以點?!!我希望我唔會再做依d事!!!…………但案件我可以怎樣處理!! 父母已知, 但3/1 就上庭。法律上我權利仲去到邊?!可以去阻止, 有冇人可幫


我已經夠十八歲, 初犯。但我依家可以點!!!我依家好傍徨!!! 我唔知點做……嗚嗚嗚 事後有再去睇中醫….. 佢話肝鬱結…. 開左d放鬆的中藥及珍珠末(定驚) 比我。 法援d 人係咪幫人ga ??!!! 我好驚…


社工最近搵....唔知肯唔肯寫報告!!! 醫生可唔可以阻止, 推番供詞?!


◇|"*﹏做無聊野ˇ° 只想令你一笑*┐° ) 我個時就係冇食藥.... 完全唔知自己係邊.....做緊d 乜。

回答 (4)

2007-12-31 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'll answer your question from a legal and from a mental health point of view. I can't type Chinese so if you need translation, Google might be able to help you.
From a mental point of view, you should have already been given a diagnosis. If not, most likely you were have a psychosis episode or could be more serious disorder like schizophrenia which would require you to seek attention from a psychiatrist or psychologist.
From a legal point of view, if you have already been given a diagnosis, then you can plead guilty and then ask for a record of not criminally responsible
HK Laws. Chap 212 刑事訴訟程序條例 Sec. 74 基於精神錯亂的理由而被裁定無罪
However, you must be careful in pleading yourself as mentally not stable as you might be committed to treatment by court under the Mental Health Ordinance (HK Law. Chap 136)
Chap 136 精神健康條例 Sec. 57 根據《刑事訴訟程序條例》被命令收納入精神病院內的人
You can ask for legal aid, however, it will depend on several factors like if you pass the income assessment.
醫生可唔可以阻止, 推番供詞: If a medical doctor gives testimony, that will weight more than what social worker said, but it will not be over-ruled.
Chinese Medicine's diagnosis on mental health is unlikely to be admissible in court. I suggest you talk to a psychiatrist or psychologist for a court report.
Good Luck.

2007-12-30 19:15:44 補充:
Penalty can range from fine and/or community service order to nothing (because of insanity). It is up to the judge to decide and can not be speculated on.
2015-12-30 3:47 am
Hello, I would like some answers on the rights of mental patients currently under treatment, recently I have approached a legislative councillor to request for an assessessment of my current mental state but was refused by my psychiatrist at East Kowloon Mental clinic as unrelevant.
On my recent visit to the clinic I refused to be administered with injection which I was regularly injected on a monthly bases, the medication subscribed to me was inappropriate for my conditions but rather for a much more serious psychotic mental patients. Can I be institutionilized or detained for refusing treatment if I am of no danger to myself & to others in society?
2007-12-31 7:32 am



2007-12-30 23:38:57 補充:
店鋪盜竊一般是裁判署案件,法援署不受理,應該係搵駐庭當值律師。你1月3日上庭。強烈建議你盡快搵律師,私家、當值律師都好,告知他你會以精神病作答辯理由,好讓他有足夠時間去向公立醫生索取詳細報告,因一般要成8個星期先會預備好 (咁私家就梗係快好多)。假如真有精神病問題,可向控方提出簽保守行為。
參考: 本大俠
2007-12-30 9:54 pm

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