
2007-12-30 9:07 pm
ram: 512
cpu: amd processor 3000+
顯示卡: nvidia geforce 6600
我打算加多條1 g ram
之後換張8600 256mb ddr3
2.我見到8600GT同8600GTS,兩張都係256mb ddr3,有咩唔同?
3.我個火牛420w, 如果加ram同換顯示卡ge話頂唔頂得住?

我個底板係gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 如果要換底板ge話我可能會換埋cpu 咁邊個cpu好??(唔好太貴)

回答 (2)

2007-12-31 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
兩年幾前剛啱係AGP 同 PCI-E過渡期, 想知你用乜野底板先答倒你具体買乜好, 因為:-
1. AGP 8X介面並無8系顯卡的, 衹能用7系顯卡
2. 打機RAM得512MB肯定太少現已出現佐樽頸位係部機LAG既原因之一
3. 火牛420w若係靚牛換顯卡加RAM都仲夠用吾駛換

2007-12-31 20:42:53 補充:
1. GA-K8NF2要升級CPU換ATHLON 64X2 4600或4800都OK2. 塊板用PCI-E顯卡, 吾換CPU又行XP(DX9)為主買張7600GT已經玩盡, 但比6600已是兩個世界, 因為8600GT需要行高FSB先推得好.3. 換CPU就買8600GT/512MB都係800元抵玩到笑.4. RAM買多一條512MB啟用DUAL CHANNEL會比現時爽快好多, 如現用的512MB為一對256MB已行緊DUAL CHANNEL的話, 就加多一對512MB保持DUAL CHANNEL行夠1.5G打機最合適.

2007-12-31 20:49:54 補充:
建議:-我衹認同加RAM(必須行DUAL CHANNEL)改張7600GT就玩多一年成部換, 到要行Vista先成部換一個update的系統, 費事煩又DX10或DX10.1...
2007-12-31 5:33 am
AMD had produced a few microprocessors rated at 3000+,
they can fit in one of the following socket.....
socket 939 ( PCI-e/AGP)
socket 754 (PCI-e/AGP)
socket A (AGP)
and i can't make sure which one u r talkin about.
In prior to upgrade your computer, you HAVE to do
some research and attain a little bit computer knowledge
to understand what you are doing.

Video cards at present has two interfaces, either AGP or PCI-e.
What you have to know is new motherboards supports PCI-e,
and old ones use AGP.

1. So lets assume your comp is using AGP, since its 2 yrs old.
8600gts series card don't have AGP interface, to use them
you have to switch motherboard.(branding has nothing to do with interface)

2. They are actually the same except their memory , shader and core clock speed, higher clock speed yield better performance but better hardware is also required.

3. 420w PSU is ok for mainstream users.

If you wanna upgrade your comp i would suggest replacing the
Newly released games demand a lot of CPU, Video and ram resources,
i don't think you can gain a performance boost by solely upgrading just video and cpu.don't forget DDR-1 ram are not cheap.

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