Biology Osmosis

2007-12-30 7:32 pm
can osmosis occurs without a selectively permeabl??
咁如果將d 墨水倒落d 水到....d 墨水係osmosis or diffusion?
仲有...係一個實驗...用dialysis tubing 載住d sucrose solution...
出面係water...跟住有支capillay tube 插係dialysis tubing..
咁點樣increase the final height of the water level..
同埋點increase the rate of rise of the liquid level??
點解using a capillary tube with a smaller internal diameter可以increase the rate 但increase 唔到final height??

回答 (1)

2007-12-30 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 can osmosis occurs without a selectively permeabl??
no. it can't because omosis occurs only when there's
(a) net movement of water molecules
(b)from solution with higher water potential to solution with lower water potential
(c)THROUGH a DIFFERENTIALLY(or you can say selectively / partially) PERMEABLE MEMBRANE.

2 咁如果將d 墨水倒落d 水到....d 墨水係osmosis or diffusion?
係diffusion, 因為冇permeable membrane

3 咁點樣increase the final height of the water level..
increase the concentration of surcose solution.
the more different the water potential of the 2 solution are, the more water molecules are moving from the solution with higher water potential to the solution with lower water potential per unit time. i.e the steeper the concentration gradient, the higher the osmosis rate is .

4 點increase the rate of rise of the liquid level
increase the concentration of surcose solution can increase the rate of rise of the liquid level with the the same reason in Q.3.
但尼個方法係要change個substance used,而唔係apparatus
同埋尼個方法唔單只increase the rate of rise of the liquid level,
仲會increase the final height of the water level
姐係increase rate of osmosis not only the rate of rise
using a capillary tube with a smaller internal diameter 就係一個change apparatus 的方法
去increase rate of rise
因為支野窄左,一樣份量的solution入去,自然個rate of rise會快d
如果佢only問increase rate of rise
答using a capillary tube with a smaller internal diameter 都足夠 la

5 點解using a capillary tube with a smaller internal diameter可以increase the rate 但increase 唔到final height??
其實我諗應該係可以increase the rate 但increase 唔到the volume of water in the tube.
因為2個conditions係一樣, 只係個tube ge 闊度唔同左
咁個net movement of water molecules應該係一樣
same amount of water入去咁 the volume of water in the tube應該都係一樣
如果the volume of water in the tube但tube ge 闊度唔同左
final height點會一樣尼?
參考: 自己

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