幫我英文翻譯中文 plx

2007-12-30 9:51 am
Plant Material. Leaves of Microtropis fokienensis were collected
from Taichung County, Taiwan, in June 2004, and identified by a botanist, Dr. Hsin-Fu Yen. A voucher specimen (Microtropis-01) was
deposited at the Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Kaohsiung
Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

回答 (4)

2007-12-30 10:31 am
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參考: 自己+網絡
2007-12-30 6:54 pm
植物原料 - 於2004年6月在台灣台中縣收集了Microtropis fokienesis的葉子並被嚴新富博士所確認。它的樣品名為Microtropis-01並且被儲存位於台灣高雄的高雄醫學大學天然藥物研究所內。
參考: eva
2007-12-30 5:24 pm

Plant Material. Leaves of Microtropis fokienensis were collected
from Taichung County, Taiwan, in June 2004, and identified by a botanist, Dr. Hsin-Fu Yen. A voucher specimen (Microtropis-01) was
deposited at the Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Kaohsiung
Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan:

植物材料。葉microtropis fokienensis收集
來自台中縣,台灣,在2004年6月,並確定由一名植物學家,博士張心涪日圓。憑單標本( microtropis - 01 )
2007-12-30 10:04 am
設備材料。Microtropis fokienensis 葉子從Taichung 縣, 臺灣被收集了, 在2004 年6月, 和由植物學家, Hsin Fu
博士日元辨認了。證件標本(Microtropis-01) 被放置了在自然產品畢業生學院, Kaohsiung 醫療大學, Kaohsiung, 臺灣。

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