
2007-12-30 8:04 am

回答 (6)

2007-12-30 11:35 am
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I am not religious neither. On Christmas Eve, I didn't attend the mass, listen to organ music or sing Christmas carol.

非教徒 - non-religious
風琴的奏樂 - organ music
望彌撒 - attend the mass
聖詩 - sing Christmas carol
參考: 美國讀緊碩士
2007-12-31 8:09 pm
I do not followers Christmas Eve is not listening to the organ musicians, mass, singing hymns
參考: ME
2007-12-30 8:43 pm
I do not followers Christmas Eve is not listening to the organ musicians, mass, singing hymns.
2007-12-30 7:20 pm

I am not the believer have not Christmas Eve listened to organ playing music, looks the mass, sings the saint poem .

2007-12-30 11:27:35 補充:
風琴--- barrel organ 平安夜---Christmas Eve教徒---Believer奏樂---Plays music彌撒---Mass聖詩---Saint poemHope it can help you!!!
2007-12-30 8:17 am
Neither do I follow a religion , nor do I go for a mass and sing carols hearing the sound of organ.

I don' t follow a religion , nor do I go for a mass and sing carols hearing the sound of organ.
參考: me
2007-12-30 8:10 am
I am not that the religionist is not listening to playing music of the organ either at safe night, look at Mass, sing the hymn.

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