What is the square root of 90?

2007-12-30 1:30 am

回答 (8)

2007-12-30 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
90 = 2*3*3*5
√90 = √2 * √(3*3) * √5
√90 = 9 * √10 = 9 * (3.16227766...)
a little more than 9.48683

The square root of 10 shows up often enough in calculations, and it is just a little more than pi.
2007-12-30 2:17 am
= √90
= 9.486833

Answer: 9.486833
2007-12-30 10:33 am
= 9.486832980505138
2007-12-30 7:19 am
square root of 90 =square root of 10 * square root of 9.
Ans. 3 * square root of 10.
2007-12-30 3:31 am
sqrt of 90= sqrt of 9* sqrt 10= 3 sqrt 10= 9.4868.....
2007-12-30 1:40 am
9.4868 is a good enough answer for your purposes.
2007-12-30 1:36 am
sqrt(90)=sqrt(9x10)=3 x sqrt(10) which is approximately 9.48 (Use MS Excel or calculator for a more accurate answer)
2007-12-30 1:36 am
3 sqr rt 10
參考: peer knowlegde
2007-12-30 1:35 am

or 3 times square root of 10
參考: math teacher
2007-12-30 1:38 am
u can use a calculator the 36 one

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