Do you happy

2007-12-30 6:05 am
Do you happy in your Christmas???????????????????????

回答 (5)

2007-12-30 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) happy 係 adjective 5係Verb, 因此不能用do
(2) Christmas已過去,要用past tense問
你應問 - Were you happy?

No, I wasn't (not because) I didn't receive any Christmas present (but because) I lost my mobile phone being expensive.
2007-12-30 6:28 am
Do you happy in your Christmas?
Yes! I am! I'm very happy! My best Japanese friend is coming in Hong Kong in Christmas and I will be join in Andy Lau's Concent with my Hong Kong friends!
2007-12-30 6:16 am
Yes,I have a delighting Christmas.My family hole a party to celebrate Christmas and I eat a lot of decided food.
2007-12-30 6:09 am
NO,i am not happy because of the day my older sister flew to England last week , i miss her a lot.
2007-12-30 6:09 am
I am happy in my Christmas!
參考: me

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