
2007-12-30 3:24 am
Photo A shows the tissue before treatment. Photo B shows the tissue after treatment.
1.Wt is the difference between the cells be4 & after treatment?
2.(i) A has been put in a sucrose solution that causes it to change to the condition in B. Wt should be the sucrose concentration of the solution compared to the cell?
(ii)Explain wt happened during the treatment.
(iii)Which part of the cell allows such a change to take place?

回答 (1)

2008-01-02 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. In photo A, the plant cells are turgid in which their vacuoles are full of water.

2(i) When the cells are put in a sucrose solution, water molecules move out of the cells to the outside solution by osmosis. This means that the sucrose solution is a hypertonic solution(concentrated solution), it has a lower water potential than the cells' cytoplasm.The cells lose water and plasmolysed.

(ii) When the cells are put in the concentrated sucrose solution which has a higher water potential than the cells' cytoplasm, the cells lose water. They plasmolysed and become flaccid.

(iii) The differentially permeable membrane allows such a change. The solute particles cannot pass through the membrane. There will then be a net movemonet of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential.

2008-01-01 16:22:25 補充:
第一條仲有.....1. In photo A, the plant cells are turgid in which their vacuoles are full of water. However, after treatment, the cell membrane of the cells detaches away from the cell wall. The cells are flaccid in photo B.
參考: me

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