
2007-12-30 2:40 am
我的偶像是一位香港女歌手,她就是容袓兒. 我覺得她唱歌很動聽,人又英麗. 而且她也是一位十分勤奮的歌手. 她少時因父母離婚,因此家中剩下媽媽,弟弟和她 長大後, 她立志要給母親和弟弟一個最舒適的家. 因此她便負上照顧媽媽和弟弟的責任. 今天,她不但完成她的責任,而且十分孝順媽媽. 她今天己經成為一個很著名的女歌手,但她卻從不鬆懈,不斷努力. 雖然她剛出道時是從從不起眼, 但憑著她動人的歌聲,不斷努力的精神,使她走向成功.
她雖然成功,但卻從不自滿,永遠都是待人十分有禮. 相信憑著她的努力,她必定能變得更成功.我也就是她成為我偶像的原因了

回答 (3)

2007-12-30 3:10 am
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My idol is a female pop-singer in Hong Kong. She is Joey Yung. I think she sings very well and she is beautiful. She is an extremely diligent singer also. Her parents divorced when she was young. Therefore there left her mother, her little brother and her in the family. When she grew up, she resolved to give her mother and her little brother the most comfortable home. She then was responsible to look after her mother and her little brother. Today, she achieves her responsibility. Moreover, she is obedient and respectful to her mother. She becomes a famous female singer nowadays. But she never slacks off. Instead, she strives to reach her target. Although she was so commonplace when she made a debut. But because of her moving singing, and also her diligence, caused her to move towards successfully. Although she succeeds, she is never complacent. She always treats others courteously. I believe she will surely be more successful by her diligence. And that's why she becomes my idol.
參考: Myself -0- Do not tease me if I translate the passage wrongly=V=
2007-12-30 3:14 am
My idol is female singer in a Hong Kong, she is to permit Ju son.I feel she sings a song very pleasant to listen to, person and then English Li. And she is also a very diligent singer. Her in a little moment the parents divorce, so leave a mother in the house, after younger brother and she grow up, she devotes to the most comfortable house to the mother and younger brother. So she is then responsible for the care responsibility between mother and younger brother.Today, she completed her responsibility not only, and showed filial obedience a mother very much.She was personal today through become a very well-known female singer, but she was slacken, making great effort continuously. Although she just paid a way from from unattractive, with her moving singing, made great effort continuously of spirit, made her head for success.
Although she is successful, but never self-satisfied, forever all is act towards people very polite. Believe with her effort, she can become more successful necessarily.I was also the reason that she becomes my idol .
2007-12-30 2:45 am
My idol is a Hong Kong female singer, and she is the child Zu Rongji. Singing, I feel that she is very nice, people are British Lai. One but she is very diligent singer. She is low because of the divorce of their parents, left home mother, brother and she grew up, her mother and brother decided to give one of the most comfortable home. negative she would take care of his mother and younger brother on the responsibility of today, she has completed her responsibility, and a great family, my mother. today she has been a very famous female singer, but she has never relax and keep up the efforts. Gangchudao, although she is from the modest, but moving with her singing, the spirit of ongoing efforts to enable her to success.
Although her success, but never complacent, always treat people very polite. Believe that with her work, she can definitely become more successful and I became my idol is the reason.

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