f.4 econ

2007-12-30 12:38 am
我想問 change in supply---producer's expectation急

點解the producer expect the price of a good will increase soon, their present supply will decrease?
我本書o既解釋係: they will hold stock for a price rise in oreder to earn more profits. 但我都係唔明,可否解釋一下?

相反,點解the producer expect the price of a good to drop, they will clear the stock by increasing present supply so as to avoid a loss in revenue resulted from a price fall in the future,但我唔明,可否解釋一下? THX

回答 (2)

2007-12-30 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實用common sense去諗就得嫁啦

2007-12-30 1:09 am
This is a basic supply and demand principle.
The producer is trying to MAXIMIZE his/her profit.
eg. the current of goods is $10, the producer expects the goods will increase to $12 next month. What will the producer do now?
Answer: to keep the stock until next month.
Effect: the current supply will fall because the supply will be hold up by the producer. The producer will earn $12-10=$2 more if his/her expectation is CORRECT.

You do the evaulation when the producer expects the price of goods will fall in the future.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:49:52
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