hazards of smoking

2007-12-29 10:47 pm
dangers of alchol hazards of smoking

回答 (2)

2007-12-29 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
+ General Facts About Smoking. +

About 111,000 people die every year due to smoking or passive smoking.

One person dies every 5 minutes from smoking related diseases.

The NHS spend over four hundred million pounds each year on treating smoking related illnesses.

Cigarettes and other smoking materials are a very common cause of fires.

Smoking materials account for almost 240 deaths every year.

Out of 6,600 fires 40% are caused by smokers - that's 2,640 fires !

How does Smoking Ruin You ?

Heart Disease - Nicotine raises blood pressure making the heart work harder therefore it needs more oxygen which is cut down by carbon monoxide from getting to the heart. This causes severe heart attacks.

Lung Cancer - This starts with a smokers cough producing lots of phlegm. Chest infections and bronchitis begins causing the lungs to be destroyed.

+ Dangers of alcohol +

After drinking, people usually feel pleasure and become talkative at first. The feelings are usually replaced by drowsiness as the alcohol is eliminated from body, and the drinker may become withdrawn. This pattern often encourages people to drink more to keep the buzz going.

Immediate medical attention is necessary if a person becomes unconscious, is impossible to arouse or seems to have trouble breathing.

Drinking a high concentration of alcohol in a short period of time can suppress the centers of the brain that control breathing and cause a person to pass out or even die.

When people pass out, their bodies continue to absorb alcohol. The amount of alcohol in the blood can reach dangerous levels, and they can die in their sleep. Continue to check on someone who has gone to sleep drunk. Do not leave that person alone.

It is dangerous to combine alcohol with other drugs, especially those that make you sleepy

Most alcohol is metabolized in the liver and then excreted. When someone drinks more alcohol than their liver can handle efficiently, the additional alcohol accumulates in the blood and body tissues.

Hope this is useful for you~ Thx for reading~
2007-12-29 10:54 pm
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